
How Flip-Flops Affect the Muscles, Posture, and Gait

With summer coming up, you may be starting to break out the flip-flops. However, before adopting flip-flops as your regular footwear, you may want to consider their impact on your muscles, posture, and gait. Flip-flops aren’t designed to support the body and, as a result, can strain your muscles and joints.  Let’s learn more about how flip-flops affect your body

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Tennis Elbow: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

If you’re experiencing elbow pain, you’re not alone. Elbow pain is a common medical concern, especially among athletes and individuals with occupations that involve frequent, repetitive motions of the arms. Tennis elbow is a prevalent cause of elbow pain. Unfortunately, this elbow condition can cause a significant amount of pain, but various treatment options are available for tennis elbow so

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Stem Cell Therapy Is a Game Changer in Treating Arthritis

Arthritis is a prevalent cause of joint pain among Americans today. In fact, 23% of adults in the United States have arthritis, which comes out to more than 54 million people. Arthritis can take a significant toll on the body, with the potential to limit your activities and cause pain that interrupts your day.  That said, ever-advancing medical technology is

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Common Sports Injuries to the Knee

Knee injuries are prevalent among athletes, especially those in sports that involve rapid stops, starts, and changes of direction. Ranging in severity, both acute and overuse knee injuries can sideline athletes for extended periods. But by understanding the common sports knee injuries, athletes can know when to seek treatment for a faster recovery. Top Sports Knee Injuries ACL Injuries The

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How the Body Heals Itself and What Stem Cells Have To Do with It

If you get sick or incur an injury, your body naturally responds by healing itself. There are numerous processes that go into effect to heal the sick or injured area and restore your body to its normal, healthy self. Stem cells play a significant role in the body’s natural healing process and are essential to your body’s ability to recover

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Stem Cell Therapy Boosts the Body’s Natural Healing Process

Stem cell therapy is an advanced treatment in regenerative medicine. We offer stem cell therapy to help patients recover from degenerative joint conditions and specific soft tissue problems. Stem cells have the ability to enhance the natural healing process of the body, making stem cell therapy a valuable asset in the treatment of various orthopaedic injuries and conditions. What Are

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How Typing Daily Leads to Chronic Pain and What Can Be Done

Once upon a time, only secretaries, data entry professionals, and other clerical workers were at risk for chronic pain from typing. Today, almost every profession requires at least limited use of a computer. Now that so many positions require daily typing, more and more people are getting carpal tunnel syndrome.  Carpal tunnel syndrome most often develops through repetitive motion injuries,

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